A Cyber Crisis Team Dialogue: Learn about an Incident Response Investigation
In the ongoing series by partner, OnCall Cyber, in this podcast Tim Opsitnick discusses the method and steps of the incident response investigation. Following a previous podcast with the Cyber Pro Podcast describing breach coaching, here Tim dives into the technical aspects of the subscription offering from OnCall Cyber.
In the podcast, Tim also references the Cyber Crisis Team model, which ensures members are prepared with an Incident Response Plan before an attack, but equally important, he describes the important of a prompt and competent response. When under cyberattack, unprepared companies Don’t Have the Time and Don’t Have the Team, and hence suffer the negative consequences of a data breach. But, with a retained Cyber Crisis Team, subscribed members are ready to handle a cyberattack through their prearranged and trusted team.
The CyberJuris Network is partnered with OnCall Cyber, and our cyberlaw members form part of the Cyber Crisis Team, on a referral basis from OnCall Cyber. Have a listen to understand the role and functions of the technical side of the Cyber Crisis Team.